• Powerless kids need powerful friends…
  • 22503 Grand River
  • Detroit MI 48219
  • Email us at
  • powerfulfriends@tarencewheelerfoundation.com
  • Call us at
  • (313) 819-0040


Our Programs

Our mission is to alleviate all non academic barriers... Powerless kids need powerful friends.

Community Outreach

We provide community outreach, housing and legal assistance, and a wide variety of community service programs. 

Educational Programs

Through our educational programs we work to ensure that all kids have an opportunity to reach their full potential.

All-Star Giveback

All-Star Giveback has provided over 12,000 Thanksgiving turkeys to families in need throughout Wayne County.

Female Hygiene Campaign

Many young ladies don’t have what they need on a monthly basis. It’s imperative for us to alleviate ALL non-academic barriers.

Back-to-School Rally & Backpack Giveaway

Our annual free event gives away over 1,000 backpacks filled with school supplies and other goodies to youth in need.

Coat Drive

When students don’t have winter coats, oftentimes they don’t come to school. Partner with us to alleviate ANY barriers to education.